
Hey Cuz, you can fillet Tony's barra
as it may not be legal size.
I'm not touching it, it may have a pubic hair on it.
He'll get us in trouble as barra smugglers.
Are our guides selling Girl Guide biscuits again this year Cuz?
It's the
only time we make money.!..... |

Here's the Former Prime Minister
Kevin Rudd on
a Midnight Fishing Safari in 2007
** Had to laugh Cuz when you offered
him a half price tour
if he ever became Prime Minister again.
Ha ! What are the chances of that ever happening....
We'd go broke !! |

Julia with her catch.
But I could of sworn it was undersize Cuz ??!
OK ! Who stretched it ?? or is this my barra in the photo?
Did she pinch my barra, Cuz?
Man you gotta watch our customers.
Better do a stocktake on our 8 Lures & 5 hooks.


Brian Cohen at the Midnight
Safari Chateau
with his catch,
glad he has gone
as we had heaps of freeloaders turn up from nowhere?
He said something about feeding hundreds of people with just one fish?
The Big nosed Wanker!

So this Brian fella drops his barra and his
mates all
freak out? WTF !
Cuz had to drop 5 of the pricks and head butt 3
all while trying to fillet the
just legal Barra
Man they must of been hungry for sushi

These guys (Jake & Elwood) never
smiled all trip !!
Caught the biggest Barra of the day & complained about having
to get back to "fishing for Cod" or something.
Whinging Yanks Cuz !! They never stop.

The former Prime
Minister John Howard joined us at Blackfella Creek on the Roper
River NT,
in April after the Wet Season.
Would not stop apologising for
the rate rises.

Jim or Brian or whatever his name was
joined us at the mouth of the Roper River before we
turned back after
losing him while having a wee stop.
(He didn't use toilet paper either
by the way?)
(We still ate his barramundi though and managed 3 more
while trolling during search party)

George & George were also
with us , however we are unable to say when or where,
but we let them
have a fish for the photo. We declined offer of remote missile strike
into Roper River to speed things up a bit.
(Indicated that Prawn farm
was a "special" place.)

crabbing tours- Come with us on a crabbing tour of a lifetime.
No pots for you to muck around with an get messy smelly fingers
baiting them up.
You just check them where you find them up any creek, assorted coloured
floats & names.
We sneak in before the other share farming partners return. No-one
complains to us.
Hey Cuz.. we should have enough money soon to get our
own pots next year....

When all else fails,
Midnight Fishing Safaris comes through
with the goods.

Midnight Fishing Safaris, has all the latest
boating and equipment.
Why just this year we had an "act of god" which
enabled us to obtain
another boat.
Good old Iron Chef Tommy & his gas cooker.
TIO Insurance Claim # 49455321354
If you do happen to find him, can you send him back to Katherine Northern
Territory. |

Midnight Fishing Safaris offer white water experiences
that you will
never forget

This was our boat before
when it was run aground at Hawks nest during a
"did you pull my line gag tour"
Yes there were so many tears of laughter that we hit a
snag that ripped the hull. Unfortunately it was right at the
Jumping Crocodile Tour spot and the tour boat had not
been there for several weeks.
We only lost 1 tourist on that occasion,
(and about 5
legs, 3 arms between us)
But boy, we had actually paid our insurance that year
and got our boat
which unfortunately the 2007 insurance premium
was spent on a

But we don't forget where we
came from.
It was only a few years ago we started out like this,
on our first ever
It was highly recommended that if ever you got a bite,
You threw the rod overboard.
Remember that race we had up the Nitmiluk Katherine
Gorge Cuz? Where you had to be rescued by the Girl Guides of Katherine!

2002 - This boat had plenty of
potential with room to move.
However Cuz was running short on fuel & checked the drums for unleadedunfortunately leaving the caps off all 8 drums.
I think it
has found its purpose as an artificial reef at Tomato Island, Roper
River NT. |

Our Fishing Safaris are in nature's
wonderland of the Northern Territory
This very rare Torres Strait Island pigeon took a liking to Cuz junior .
Unfortunately it met a timely death just after the photo was taken.
Cuz, I still dont think it had bird flu or was a carrier ,
so keep the
golf clubs
holstered next time.
Had to use my shoestring to stitch up Cuz Jr, which
was a bloody inconvenience
(got a blister on my foot that day) |

Late August 2013
The minister For Linigari(sp) denying he
had anything to do with the "Midnight
Fishing Safaris" Latest TIO Claim.
Bloody Hell Cuz, how can he deny anything to do with it.
It was his stupid hat
you lost because you were going too fast through the mangroves on a high
Its the other fella that fell out the boat & haven't found yet that
should have a claim in. |